As the Baby Boomers turn 65 and receive medicare, many are asking whether they will have acupuncture coverage. Below is an article on this subject. In summary, I have many Medicare patients who have purchased a supplement to Medicare which
Managed Care Patients
If your insurance company requires you to see only specified doctors and I’m not already on your plan, please contact my office with the name and phone number of your plan. I’ll be happy to apply. More and more insurance
Are You Frustrated by Your Health Insurance?
Lately I’ve become increasingly frustrated with our health care system.
How about you?
For the most part, I hear sad, horror stories daily from my patients or would-be patients, about their experiences trying to receive the health care they deserve.
Trouble Sleeping and in Pain?
If You Have Trouble Sleeping and Are in Pain? (photo curtesy of Bob Wong photography) So many of my patients in pain tell me that it keeps them awake at night. I hope many of you will open your mind
Got Insurance?
Got Insurance? by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, PhD, LAc Many prospective patients inquire as to whether they have insurance that will cover the treatment of acupuncture. And I’m here to tell you that the answer is an emphatic “YES”! There
Holistic Treatment for Election Stress
Holistic Resources for Election Stress By Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, LAc, CCH, QME If you or your friends or family are feeling symptoms of stress from the election, here are some resources for you. Teas: Chamamille Tea – very calming
Your Insurance Pays for Acupuncture
Your Insurance Will Pay for Acupuncture! The most common question I’m asked is whether insurance covers Acupuncture Treatments ~ and the answer it YES! And remember – Acupuncture works for EVERYTHING: stress, insomnia, PMS, menopause, headaches, migraines, back and neck
What’s Up With Homeopathy?
What’s Up With Homeopathy Anyhow? by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, LAc, CCH, QME Q. Why is Homepathy so Unpopular Despite It’s Effectiveness? A. The easiest explanation is probably that Homeopathy is confused with Naturopathy Q. What is Naturopathy? A. Naturopathy
Health Insurance Updates and Changes
Coverage Changes by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD Doctor of Chinese Medicine Many of you have emailed me questions about your insurance coverage, or have had to make important decisions about changes to your policies and wanted to know if your
Headache Chat
Today, I was listening to a local talk radio show, and a commercial came on for headache control using over the counter pain medications. While I’m a big proponent of taking Western pharmaceuticals and using surgery on an as needed