How Is Your Mood? by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD Human beings tend to have moods. From happy, sad, anxious, depressed, etc. But sometimes we get downright moody. Othertimes we get stuck in one particular mood. Many of my patients would
Holistic Choices for Treatment of Colds and Flu
Natural Treatments for Colds and Flu by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, PhD, LAc There is a lot you can do to help boost your immune system during cold and flu season. The four most effective treatments are getting frequent acupuncture
Homeopathy for Infection – by Dr. Randy Martin
Homeopathy Cures Severe Infection People with severe infections for which there is no known medical treatment often die, despite surgery, and antibiotics. A double-blind study was conducted to determine whether homeopathy might favorably influence the long-term outcome in critically
Successful Treatment of Addictions and The 12-Step Programs
THE ROLE OF ADDICTIONS AND TWELVE STEP PROGRAMS IN ACHIEVING OPTIMAL HEALTH By Dr. Randy W. Martin, OMD, PhD, LAc, QME Introduction Twelve Step Programs are extremely effective for many people in helping to control addictive behaviors. But there are
Summertime Full Moon Musing by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD
Dear Friends,Here are some random summertime ramblings from your friendly homeopath: As I write this, Mercury is in retrograde and the moon is full. Do you all know what it means when Mercury is in retrograde? It is a time
Homeopathic Scientific Research
Here is a good link to an article on Homeopathic Research I wanted to share with you:
TMJ – Jaw Pain by Dr. Martin
Treatments Take the Bite Out of Jaw Pain It’s Easter Sunday morning and I get an emergency phone call from an anxious patient. “My husband says I’ve been ‘tapping’ my teeth together at night. Can this lead to seizures?”
When Does Homeopathy Fail to Work? by Dr. Randy Martin,
Dear Friends, The other day, I almost lost a close friend of mine. She is someone I’ve been very close to for many years. She decided to go off her medication for depression and she was having severe withdrawl
How to Withdraw From Medications, Drugs or Succeed at Weight Loss
How to Withdraw More Easily from Prescription Medications, Smoking or Drugs, and Even Succeed at Your Weight Loss or Quit-Smoking Program. It’s important to NEVER stop taking any prescription medications without the advice and support of your Medical Doctor. The
Alternative Treatments for Pregnant Women
Alternative and Complementary Medicine for use During Pregnancy by Dr. Randy Martin These days, it’s not uncommon for many of us to want to explore our options in life. Not only in life, but also in our healthcare. And what