How Does Acupuncture Actually Work (And Why Does It Feel So Darn Good?) Today during my meditation, as I do on many occasions, I found myself sticking needles in my head and hands so that I could receive the double
Acupuncture for Facial Wrinkles, Breast Augmentation, and Cosmetic Surgery
Acupuncture for Facial Wrinkles, Breast Augmentation, and Cosmetic Surgery Have you ever wondered whether acupuncture will really work to enhance your natural beauty? Many well-known actors regularly receive acupuncture on the face to help tighten the skin and remove facial
Homeopathy for Stress
Stress Less This Holiday Season with Homeopathy Ah, the holidays. That joyous time of year spent relaxing with family and snuggling in front of the fireplace while the snow gently falls outside. Cut to reality as you sprint from store
Dealing with Anxiety by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD
Dealing with Anxiety Holistically Anxiety is one of the most pervasive problems in modern society. We all have a lot we could feel anxious about. But how do we stay ahead of it, and not let it overwhelm us. The