Acupuncture for Facial Wrinkles, Breast Augmentation, and Cosmetic Surgery Have you ever wondered whether acupuncture will really work to enhance your natural beauty? Many well-known actors regularly receive acupuncture on the face to help tighten the skin and remove facial
Why I Love Homeopathy!
Why I Love Homeopathy Why am I in love with Homeopathy! heart First and foremost, let me be clear: Homeopathy is NOT the same thing as Herbs or other natural supplements you may commonly think of. In Fact, Homeopathy IS
Natural Facial Rejuvenation
Natural Facial Rejuvenation by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, LAc, CCH, QME My thanks to Sandee Whiteman who interviewed me a few weeks ago to write this article publised on I’ve been doing facial, breast and other natural acupuncture cosmetic
How Tiny is an Acupuncture Needle + Cosmetic Acupuncture
How Large Are Acupuncture Needles? + Cosmetic Acupuncture by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, CCH, QME, PhD Doctor of Chinese Medicine – Certified Classical Homeopath So ~ How Tiny is An Acupuncture Needle ~ really????? Here is a chart
Introduction to Woman’s Health and Acupuncture Treatments
Introduction to Acupuncture and Women’s Health by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, LAc, CCH, QME, PhD, MUP Doctor of Chinese Medicine – Certified Classical Homeopath Any Symptom Is a Sign of “Blockage” Acupuncture is a medical art and science that has
Acupuncture Success Stories
ACUPUNCTURE SUCCESS STORIES Recent research, as well as my clinical experience since 1983, has proven to me that acupuncture can be extremely effective for the following woman’s health problems. These include the acupuncture “face