Women’s and Men’s Health

Men’s and Women’s Health I’m always asked if holistic medicine works on hormone imbalances for men and women Yes – it really works and I’ve been quite successful in treating the following health related issues over my 30+ years as

Natural Hormone Replacement

Natural Hormone Replacement Natural medicine is good for treating a lot of problems. One of them is hormone imbalances. Whether it’s problems with fertility, menses, PMS, menstrual cramping, menopause, breast tenderness, low libido, moodiness, sugar craving, PCOS, ovarian cysts, uterine

Natural Treatments for Women’s Health

Alternative Natural Treatments for Women’s Health by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, PhD, LAc My specialty over the past 30+ years has always been Women’s Health. In fact, in 1985 I wrote my Ph.D. doctoral dissertation on Alternative Treatments for PMS

Woman’s Health – by Dr. Randy Martin

The following three articles I have written for women and the men in their lives. These three articles address three different issues: Pregnancy and Childbirth, PMS, and Menopause. I hope that you find them helpful. …….Dr. Randy Martin Pregnancy and

How to Withdraw From Medications, Drugs or Succeed at Weight Loss

How to Withdraw More Easily from Prescription Medications, Smoking or Drugs, and Even Succeed at Your Weight Loss or Quit-Smoking Program. It’s important to NEVER stop taking any prescription medications without the advice and support of your Medical Doctor. The

Menstrual Cramps NO MORE!

Research Update: Acupuncture Decreases Menstrual Pain (Dysmenorrhea) This study was performed on fifteen women ages 14-35 who did not respond to traditional medical treatment for their menstrual pain. The study was done in Milan, Italy at the Mangiagalli-Regina Elna Hospital

Fall / Autumn Tune – Up Treatments for Prevention

The Importance of Monthly Acupuncture Tune-ups and Homeopathy VisitsYou’re healthy and relatively unbothered by any major health problems, right???? GREAT!!! I cannot over-emphasize enough the importance of even healthy babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, young adults, adults, elderly, the young, the

Fertility, IVF and Acupuncture for Pregnancy

Women undergoing IVF were 65 percent more likely to become pregnant when they combined the procedure with acupuncture, a recent study has shown.The remarkable success rate occurred across seven acupuncture trial studies involving 1,366 women in a systematic review and

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