How Is Your Mood? by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD Human beings tend to have moods. From happy, sad, anxious, depressed, etc. But sometimes we get downright moody. Othertimes we get stuck in one particular mood. Many of my patients would
Accidents and Emergencies – Your Holistic Guide
Accidents Do Happen – Here’s What you Can Do Homeopathy, Herbs and Acupuncture It’s a Holiday Weekend – Please be careful! But if you do have an accident or trauma – here are your holistic resources (by the way –
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Newly Published Article on Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, PhD, LAc The following article of was just published in a neighborhood magazine here in Los Angeles. The subject is IBS/IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease). There are a
Treating Headaches with Natural Methods
Acupuncture for Headaches? by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, LAc Here is a great link which reminds us that acupuncture is considered an effective treatment for Migraine Headaches. Acupuncture Effective for Migraine Headaches Link Here is an article I’ve written for
What Does Your Tongue Really Show
TONGUE DIAGNOSIS: WHAT DOES YOUR TONGUE SHOW?? This link will give you a short course in diagnosing your condition using the tongue. If you begin to study Chinese medicine, you will find that your tongue is a window
Fall Seasonal Tune-Up
Fall Seasonal Tune-up REMEMBER YOUR SEASONAL TUNE -UP!!! ………… each seasonal change………. The tune up will help keep you in balance: According to Chinese medicine, we are particularly vulnerable to illness at each change of season. Receiving acupuncture at the
Complementary vs. Western Diagnosis
TRADITIONAL WESTERN VS. HOLISTIC APPROACHES TO ILLNESS by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD I can’t begin to tell you how often I’m asked: “What do you think of my condition, doc?” or “What’s my diagnosis?”
You Are How You Feel
You Are How You Feel by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD Doctor of Chinese Medicine – Certified Homeopath During this time, which for many of us is a transition time, or a time of difficulty, I would like to give some
Do I Need Medical Testing?
Dear Friends, I’d like to thank all of you who came out to my lecture this weekend at the Conscious Life Expo! I enjoyed seeing you and hope you had a great time at the expo. It was another jam-packed
Simple Visual Diagnosis Tips
Quick Visual Diagnosis Tips Today I’m going to share with you some quick tips to diagnosis your health issues, and some of the nutrients to help balance your system. Visual Observation Tips:White spots on nails = Zinc Deficiency or maybe B6