Acupuncture for Headaches? by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, LAc Here is a great link which reminds us that acupuncture is considered an effective treatment for Migraine Headaches. Acupuncture Effective for Migraine Headaches Link Here is an article I’ve written for
Homeopathic Arnica helps bruising after face-lift surgery
Many medical doctors are now prescribing homeopathic Arnica before and after facial cosmetic surgery. In this article, published in the January/February 2006 Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, Arnica was shown to be very effective in reducing bruising due to the
Holistic Emergency Medicine 101 – An Introduction on What To Do To Stay Healthy
Holistic Emergency Medicine 101 – An Introduction on What To Do To Stay Healthy Arnica – don’t leave home without it; take Arnica 6C – 3X per day for any sprain, accident, bruise, fall, etc. After surgery to