The Best Supplements for Leaky Gut Syndrome Do You Have Leaky Gut? Digestive problems are not the only symptoms of leaky gut syndrome. This is because when you are not assimilating the foods that you eat, the smaller particles will
Moles, Warts – Holistic Treatments
Moles, Warts – Holistic Treatment by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, LAc, CCH, QME Is There An Alternative Treatment for Warts or Moles? Yes, most definitely! First, according to Oriental medicine, warts are connected to the Liver and
Liver Toxicity by Dr Martin
Gut-Brain Connection and Toxicity by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, LAc, PhD, CCH Here is both an article I’ve written on Toxicity Treatments and also a great 3 minute video on how toxicity and digestive problems can create
Leaky Gut Syndrome and Digestion
LEAKY GUT SYNDROME, POOR ASSIMILATION, AND FATIGUE by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, LAc, PhD, CCH The digestive tract is a very complex, multifaceted system that integrates the breakdown of the foods we eat into their molecular constituents so that our
Digestion, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Fatigue
LEAKY GUT SYNDROME, POOR ASSIMILATION, AND FATIGUE The digestive tract is a very complex, multifaceted system that integrates the breakdown of the foods we eat into their molecular constituents so that our body can utilize them efficiently. Disturbances