Homeopathy: It’s Hidden and Unspoken Power by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, Lac Question: How Does Homeopathy Differ from Herbs? Answer: We often use the term homeopathy to refer to anything natural. But homeopathy is a very specific form
Free Acupuncture / Homeopathy for Iraqi War Veterans
Free Treatment for Iraqi War Vets This Memorial Day I have been moved deeply by two events. First, watching the HBO special “Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee.” This movie documented the killing of many Native Americans as the U.S.
Resources for ADD and ADHD and Holistic Types of Treatments
Some Resources for Treating ADD and ADHD Using Holistic Methods By Dr. Randy Martin, OMD Doctor of Chinese Medicine The resources from the Western medical profession for treating ADD and ADHD are readily available. These include traditional talk,