LOW BACK PAIN Question: Can you Help Back Pain? I am contacting you today because I haven’t been feeling the best that I could be, in regards to my health. I have a recurring back pain that resurfaces once or twice every year
Colds and Flu with Homeopathy
Homeopathy for Colds, Coughs, and FluHere is a nice link to a radio talk show teaching you how to treat yourself and family using homeopathy for immunity and winter problems. This radio program is simple to follow and a
Holiday Digestive Hints from Dr. Randy Martin
I would like to wish all my friends, clients, family and colleagues a very happy and fulfilled holiday season. I think that digestion and eating are common concerns during the holidays, and I am hoping that the information in this
Common Childhood Ailments
Protocols for Common Childhood Ailments: 1. Acute Asthma: Wheezing, tight chest, difficulty exhaling *Begin with Open Air formula *Add Chest Relief if needed *Add Windbreaker if cathcing a cold *Select the appropriate homeopathic, such as Aconite *Assess for Acute emotional
Acupressure and Exercise
EXERCISE ALERT: The last few days I’ve heard two separate reports on the value and necessity of exercise. One was on the value to prevent stroke and heart attack. The other was on the value to stop depression and anxiety. One
Midnight Panic – Fever and Asthma – Help!!!
Asthma and Fever at Midnight – Help!!! Last night at about midnight I had a panic email from the mother of one of my patient’s. She explained that her three year old son had a fever of 102 degrees and
Common Childhood Ailments and Herbs to Treat Them
Protocols for Common Childhood Ailments: (Note – we also have programs for adults and teens, but they are different formulas. These are special for the kids.) 1. Acute Asthma: Wheezing, tight chest, difficulty exhaling *Begin with Open Air formula *Add