Got Knee Pain? One of the most common types of pain I treat is knee pain. Acupuncture along with the Quantum Cold Laser work wonders on all joint pains. Knees, elbows, wrists, fingers, ankles. But knee pain for some reason
Your Insurance Pays for Acupuncture
Your Insurance Will Pay for Acupuncture! The most common question I’m asked is whether insurance covers Acupuncture Treatments ~ and the answer it YES! And remember – Acupuncture works for EVERYTHING: stress, insomnia, PMS, menopause, headaches, migraines, back and neck
Dental Health and Your Overall Health
Dental Health: Tips on Taking Care Your Teeth Here are some tips on taking care of your teeth, including diet and supplements: *Protein: High quality protein is important for tooth structure and enamel remineralization *Calcium: We all know how getting