Ginseng: The Renowned Rejuvenator The Chinese have been using it for nearly five thousand years, and here in the States it’s reputed to be a curative for impotency, low energy, failing eyesight, and just about every other problem you
Acupuncture for Infertility – Video
Here is a link to a short video explaining how and why acupuncture is so effective for infertility: My experience is the same and well-reflected in this short video: Acupuncture Video Dr Randy Martin, OMD, LAc,
Hypoglycemia: A Better Approach
Hypoglycemia: A Better Approach! Have you ever been prone to mood swings, headaches, foggy thinking, dizziness, allergies, tingling in your hands or feet, cold hands or feet, heart palpitations, insomnia, memory loss, depression, confusion, sugar or chocolate cravings, bursts
Kaiser Insurance Now Covers Acupuncture
Kaiser Health Plan now covers Acupuncture Treatments. I have more and more Kaiser clients. Just ask your doctor for a prescription to see me. I am on the Kaiser Acupuncture Referral List. It only covers Acupuncture for Pain related problems. But
Acupuncture for Migraine Headaches
Acupuncture Today August, 2008, Vol. 10, Issue 08 Acupuncture Effective for Migraine ReliefBy Editorial Staff As any chronic sufferer will tell you, migraine headaches can be debilitating, affecting concentration and the ability to perform daily tasks. In fact, the
New Homeopathy Videos
New Videos on Homeopathy by DANA ULLMAN, MPH! The extremely popular website,, now has five new 3-5 minute videos on homeopathy: What Homeopathy Is: Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy:
Summertime Full Moon Musing by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD
Dear Friends, Here are some random summertime ramblings from your friendly homeopath: As I write this, Mercury is in retrograde and the moon is full. Do you all know what it means when Mercury is in retrograde? It is a