How Is Your Mood? by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD Human beings tend to have moods. From happy, sad, anxious, depressed, etc. But sometimes we get downright moody. Othertimes we get stuck in one particular mood. Many of my patients would
Accidents and Emergencies – Your Holistic Guide
Accidents Do Happen – Here’s What you Can Do Homeopathy, Herbs and Acupuncture It’s a Holiday Weekend – Please be careful! But if you do have an accident or trauma – here are your holistic resources (by the way –
TMJ – Jaw Pain by Dr. Martin
Treatments Take the Bite Out of Jaw Pain It’s Easter Sunday morning and I get an emergency phone call from an anxious patient. “My husband says I’ve been ‘tapping’ my teeth together at night. Can this lead to seizures?”
Alternative Treatments for Pregnant Women
Alternative and Complementary Medicine for use During Pregnancy by Dr. Randy Martin These days, it’s not uncommon for many of us to want to explore our options in life. Not only in life, but also in our healthcare. And what