Acupuncture for Chronic Prostate Problems This research verifies what I have seen in my practice: That acupuncture is extremely effective for prostate problems. In fact, when combined with Chinese herbs, and the correct homeopathic remedy, I have had
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
This is the story of an eight-year-old little boy who first came to me for treatment on June 1, 1993. His mother described him as “out of control.” Everything was a constant drama in the house, with the child craving
Flu Cured by Homeopathy
This is a brief story of a woman who had severe food-poisoning which lead to severe diarrhea, uncontrolled vomiting, high fever and the flu. How many of you have actually ever connected the fact that what you eat has a
Acupuncture and Homeopathy for Headaches, Pregnancy, Fertility and other Issues
ACUPUNCTURE SHOWN TO RELIEVE TENSION HEADACHES German researchers found that acupuncture is an effective treatment for people suffering from tension headaches. Over an 8 week period, this team of acupuncturists in Germany compared a group of people who regularly experienced
Homeopathy Questions? and Answers!
Patients, friends and family are always questioning the validity of homeopathy, and asking how it works. A friend sent me a very comprehensive article which answers all the common questions. It even includes loads of links to scientific research into
Flu Shot vs. Homeopathy
I had a few rather strong comments from people who read my previous email about the use of a homeopathic to treat the flu, so I thought I would comment. These people were adamantly in support of the flu shot,
Remedies for the Day After
Nux vomica: This is probably the most common remedy for those who indulge in food and drink resulting in indigestion. It’s kind of the “morning after” remedy. There is a weight and pain in the stomach and a sour taste
Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Many people have the false impression that there is no effective treatment for autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). But homeopathic medicine has been effective, to a large degree, with ASD. While diet and the use of various vitamin and
Fibromyalgia Treated Successfully with Acupuncture
According to a study reported at the 11th World Congress on Pain in Sydney, Australia in August 2005, acupuncture was very successful at alleviating the symptoms of fibromyalgia. This study was conducted by the International Association for the Study of
Acupuncture for Migraine Headaches
This Italian study of 120 people with a history of migraine headaches were divided into two treatment groups of 60 people each. The first group was treated with acupuncture and the second group received drug therapy using a variety of