How Is Your Mood? by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD Human beings tend to have moods. From happy, sad, anxious, depressed, etc. But sometimes we get downright moody. Othertimes we get stuck in one particular mood. Many of my patients would
Homeopathy for Emotional Health
NEW BOOK ON HOMEOPATHY FOR EMOTIONAL HEALTH This is a new book with articles from some of the world’s most well-respected homeopaths outlining exactly how homeopathy is used to treat emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, OCD, ADD,
Successful Treatment of Addictions and The 12-Step Programs
THE ROLE OF ADDICTIONS AND TWELVE STEP PROGRAMS IN ACHIEVING OPTIMAL HEALTH By Dr. Randy W. Martin, OMD, PhD, LAc, QME Introduction Twelve Step Programs are extremely effective for many people in helping to control addictive behaviors. But there are
Resources for ADD and ADHD and Holistic Types of Treatments
Some Resources for Treating ADD and ADHD Using Holistic Methods By Dr. Randy Martin, OMD Doctor of Chinese Medicine The resources from the Western medical profession for treating ADD and ADHD are readily available. These include traditional talk,