Natural Hormone Replacement

Natural Hormone Replacement Natural medicine is good for treating a lot of problems. One of them is hormone imbalances. Whether it’s problems with fertility, menses, PMS, menstrual cramping, menopause, breast tenderness, low libido, moodiness, sugar craving, PCOS, ovarian cysts, uterine

Accidents and Emergencies – Your Holistic Guide

Accidents Do Happen – Here’s What you Can Do Homeopathy, Herbs and Acupuncture It’s a Holiday Weekend – Please be careful! But if you do have an accident or trauma – here are your holistic resources (by the way –

Kick-Start the New Year – Detox the Old Year

How to Start the New Year Out Right: Healthy and Energized by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, Doctor of Chinese Medicine Q: Which supplements do I really need? A: This is a huge topic, but let’s make it simple: *Omega 3,

Stress and Indigestion – Remedies for the Holidays

Holiday Digestion and Stress Relief and Eight Essential Holiday Remedies I would like to thank all my clients, family, friends and colleagues and wish you all a very happy and fulfilling holiday season. I think that digestion, stress and over-eating

Complementary vs. Western Diagnosis

      TRADITIONAL WESTERN VS. HOLISTIC APPROACHES TO ILLNESS by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD I can’t begin to tell you how often I’m asked: “What do you think of my condition, doc?” or “What’s my diagnosis?”

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