The Importance of Monthly Acupuncture Tune-ups and Homeopathy VisitsYou’re healthy and relatively unbothered by any major health problems, right???? GREAT!!! I cannot over-emphasize enough the importance of even healthy babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, young adults, adults, elderly, the young, the old, men, women, — everyone, coming in for monthly acupuncture “tune-ups” and an occassional homeopathic remedy.The common mistake most of you make is only going to the doctor when there is something wrong. But acupuncture and homeopathy actually WORK so much better when used preventatively — way BEFORE any problems arise!Did you know that in ancient China, the doctor was actually only paid to keep his patients healthy? — and not when someone was a sick!!!

If you come in for monthly acupuncture and/or homeopathy, you will feel better, experience greater longevity, have better resistence to colds, keep your weight stable, have more regular menstrual cycles with less pain (women), and are much less likely to succumb to depression, anxiety, heart problems and other chronic degenerative diseases that you have inherated from your parents and grand parents.

Of course, infants and younger children don’t get acupuncture. For them it’s just a new homeopathic remedy every 4 to 12 weeks — even if they are healthy!!!! YES – homeopathy for the healthy child….. That is what really works best! Let’s keep them that way.

You will thank me years latter, when you see your child’s level of health much better than that of their friends who were not being treated by homeopathy, or herbs, or both.

And for those of you interested in the more esoteric aspects of life and healing, feel free to ask me about adding some acupuncture points that will stimulate your spiritual energy centers, or chakras. Yes – acupuncture is now being used to align the chakras. Talk about floating……. you will float right out of the office after this type of treatment….

Acupuncture works well not only at aligning and balancing you physically, but can also be used effectively to unblock the chakra energy centers and to eliminate anxiety, panic, and depression.

If you know anyone with anxiety, let them know how effective acupuncture really is.

And if you don’t know what the chakra energy centers are, don’t worry. Just tell me you want a holistic treatment, that will help to balance you on all three levels, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I’ll take it from there. 🙂

Thanks very much. Enjoy the falling of the leaves, the shorter days, and the intensity of feelings that generally arise this time of year…..Indian Summer here in LA, and fall everywhere else.

And as one of my favorite teachers, Rabbi Ted Falcon, PhD, says about this time of year: “Whatever thoughts emerge as we proceed through these days, whatever memories or reflections, whatever regrets, gratitudes, or judgments – let us simply acknowledge, allow the awareness – without trying to change anything”. And say, Amen.

Acceptance goes a long way on this road we call life……….

Fall / Autumn Tune – Up Treatments for Prevention
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