Arnica – don’t leave home without it; take Arnica 6C – 3X per day for any sprain, accident, bruise, fall, etc. After surgery to reduce swelling and promote healing.


Hypericum – same as Arnica but for injury to nerves, the eye, tips of fingers, elbows, or after dental work. 6C – 3X per day


Aconite – at the begining of colds or flu or for physical or emotional shock or fear. Works especially well when onset of cold is from being in cold wind the night before.


Nux vomica – the most well known homeopathic for digestive problems, constipation, headaches, food poisoning, diarrhea, nausea.


Ignatia – to be taken when you cannot sleep from bad news, emotional loss, or grief


Magnesium phos – for headaches, muscle cramps, menstrual cramps or spasms


Kali phos – low energy, nervousness, poor sleep, feeling run down, twitching, anxiety


Apis mel – for insect bites and stings


Rescue Remedy – take as directed for any trauma, physical or emotional


Traumeel or Arnica Ointment – use topically for any physcial trauma, ache or pain


Yin Chiao – Chinese herbal formula to take at the first sign of cold or flu


Pill Curing – Chinese herbal formula to be used for any digestive upset or travel


Ponay Tea – Chinese weight loss tea and energy tea to burn fat and stimulate metabolism


Probiotic – the “friendly” bacteria – always take one per day


Vitamin C – take 1,000 mg per day buffered C to keep your immune system working well


Theanine – an amino acid very good for anxiety and nervousness


5HTP – an amino acid for sleep


Make sure you get enough sleep, see your Medical Doctor annually for a physical check up, and blood tests and get monthly massage, acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments. Be sure you exercise daily so you don’t build up excess tension in your body. Women be sure to get your annual female check-ups.


Homeopathic Rules:


1. Dont’ touch the pills. Tap them into the cap and under the tongue

2. Nothing in the mouth for 20 minutes before and after

3. Try to avoid mint, and any other strong smells or flavors while you take the remedy

4. Stop the homeopathic as soon as you are better, and never take it more than a week, without the advice of a trained homeopath

5. Take them as directed by your homeopath or 3 pills, 3X per day. For mild problems, just take them once per day only. Less is better, with homepathy.


Also, always follow your Medical Doctor’s advice and never take any product without the advice of your Medical Doctor or other health practitioner. Never take yourself off any medication prescribed by your doctor without his or her advice. Try the teamwork approach to health, using a Medical Doctor, acupuncturist, homeopath, chiropractor, and massage therapist. Also seek the advice of a spiriual advisor, when in doubt. A teamwork approach is always best in keeping your optimal health.


Have a wonderful Fall Equinox and Full Moon!



Holistic Emergency Medicine 101 – An Introduction on What To Do To Stay Healthy
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