Successful Treatment of Addictions and The 12-Step Programs

THE ROLE OF ADDICTIONS AND TWELVE STEP PROGRAMS IN ACHIEVING OPTIMAL HEALTH By Dr. Randy W. Martin, OMD, PhD, LAc, QME Introduction Twelve Step Programs are extremely effective for many people in helping to control addictive behaviors. But there are

Acupuncture for Headaches is Effective and Long Lasting

Here is a link to a really comprehensive article on using acupuncture and Chinese medicine for headaches. My experience is that acupuncture and Chinese medicine, including changes in diet and Chinese herbs, massage, and chiropractic, make a big effect

How to Withdraw From Medications, Drugs or Succeed at Weight Loss

How to Withdraw More Easily from Prescription Medications, Smoking or Drugs, and Even Succeed at Your Weight Loss or Quit-Smoking Program. It’s important to NEVER stop taking any prescription medications without the advice and support of your Medical Doctor. The

Question: How Do I Handle My Anxiety?

One of my patients recently emailed me the following question: Question – How do I handle it when I have so much anxiety, I don’t know what to do with myself?Answer – Nothing is as fixed as you might think.

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