Herbs and Homeopathy: What is the Difference?

Here is a link to a really comprehensive article on the differences between herbsand homeopathy, that explains it very well. I know that most of my patients don’t really know the difference when they first come to see me. Both

Alternative Treatments for Pregnant Women

Alternative and Complementary Medicine for use During Pregnancy by Dr. Randy Martin These days, it’s not uncommon for many of us to want to explore our options in life. Not only in life, but also in our healthcare. And what

Acupuncture Effective for Lower Back Pain and Sciatica

Can Acupuncture Help with Lower Back Pain? The simple and quick answer is — Yes !!!! This is one of the most common problems people seek the help of the acupuncturist for. At any given time, it accounts for between

How to Effectively Terminate Treatment with Your Doctor

How to Maximize Termination of Treatment with your Doctor One of the problems of practicing medicine in Los Angeles is that the consumer has so many choices. Why is this a problem? Because the average person doesn’t stay long enough

Common Childhood Ailments

Protocols for Common Childhood Ailments: 1. Acute Asthma: Wheezing, tight chest, difficulty exhaling *Begin with Open Air formula *Add Chest Relief if needed *Add Windbreaker if cathcing a cold *Select the appropriate homeopathic, such as Aconite *Assess for Acute emotional

Natural Treatment for Bronchitis

Homeopathic Remedies for Acute Bronchitis: The following was taken from a great article in the November/December 2007 issue of Homeopathy Today, the publication by the National Center for Homeopathy. If you are new to homeopathy, please be sure to follow the

Worker’s Compensation Insurance Now Covers Acupuncture Treatments

California Adds Acupuncture to Workers’ Comp Treatment Guidelines By Tina Beychok, Associate Editor of Acupuncture Today Magazine New changes to the administrative guidelines for the state of California that govern appropriate treatment for workers’ compensation cases now include acupuncture as

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