Acupuncture for Hot Flashes by Dr. Martin
We think of acupuncture for fertility, headaches, back pain and high blood pressure, but how many of us realize it’s also effective in reducing hot flashes and regulating hormones?
In a 2004 Swedish study, reported in the March 2007 issue of Prevention magazine, hot flashes during menopause were less intense and less frequent in women receiving acupuncture. There was actually a 54% reduction in the number of episodes of hot flashes, and other symptoms of menopause were also improved. The conclusion of this study was that the women subjectively reported a 91% reduction in menopause-related symptoms.
Now, a new study, performed by doctors at Stanford and Harvard universities and the New England School of Acupuncture, gave 29 menopausal women either authentic or fake acupuncture. After 7 weeks of acupuncture, hot sweats were 28% less severe in those who got the real acupuncture and only 6% better in those who got the fake acupuncture.
These studies confirm what I have experienced over my 23 years of clinical practice. Women who are receiving acupuncture for hormone related problems definitely see improvements. Actually, women who receive acupuncture, herbs and homeopathy get even better results.
On another note, we have just added a new feature to my website. “Ask the Doctor” allows your to ask any questions you might have, and I”ll answer them on the website. Here is the direct web page:
Also, remember that we are currently experiencing a period where the planet Mercury is in Retrograde. It’s a time when the nervous system might have problems. Kind of like the mis-firing in a car. If you are feeling stress, try and take more time out to relax, sleep, and take it easy.