We think of acupuncture for fertility, headaches, back pain and high blood pressure, but how many of us realize it’s also effective in reducing hot flashes and regulating hormones?

In a 2004 Swedish study, reported in the March 2007 issue of Prevention magazine, hot flashes during menopause were less intense and less frequent in women receiving acupuncture. There was actually a 54% reduction in the number of episodes of hot flashes, and other symptoms of menopause were also improved. The conclusion of this study was that the women subjectively reported a 91% reduction in menopause-related symptoms.

Now, a new study, performed by doctors at Stanford and Harvard universities and the New England School of Acupuncture, gave 29 menopausal women either authentic or fake acupuncture. After 7 weeks of acupuncture, hot sweats were 28% less severe in those who got the real acupuncture and only 6% better in those who got the fake acupuncture.

These studies confirm what I have experienced over my 25+ years of clinical practice. Women who are receiving acupuncture for hormone-related problems definitely see improvements. Actually, women who receive acupuncture, herbs and homeopathy get even better results. And it’s usually quite fast — including PMS, endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, weight fluctuations, water retention, migraines…

Acupuncture for Hot Flashes
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