I’d like to share with you a VERY Good Article on How Your Digestion Affects Everything Else

Including Brain Chemistry, Alertness, Anxiety, Depression, Immunity, Joint Pain, and especially Energy.

In Chinese Medicine we have known this all along.

That is why we always look at the tongue for our comprehensive diagnosis.

The tongue coating can show the exact state of the digestive system.

In Chinese Medicine, we always say that the first step in almost every problem is to get the Gut, the Digestion, functioning well. Soon thereafter, your health problems will improve, whatever they are.

This article gives some of the scientific explanations for this.

It’s a great East Meets West kind of thing:


In terms of Chinese medicine, I like to use Acupuncture Points St 36 on the leg, CV 12 on the Stomach, Liver 3 on the foot, and Large Intestine 4 on the hand, to strengthen your digestion.

A great herbal formula is Auklandia and Cardamom to strengthen digestion. Another one many people benefit by is the Gentianna Formula.

In terms of homeopathic medicine, I’ll often use Nux vomica for frequent indigestion or Colocynthis for cramping pains.

Of course, I can be more exact, by taking your complete history, and actually looking at your tongue and checking your pulse picture.

The 12 meridian pulse diagnosis, tells me which organs are in or out of balance. This allows for the more exact diagnosis.

Reducing stress by meditation, relaxing activities, hobbies, exercise, and modifying your diet are also a good idea.

Wishing you a healing journey to Optimal Health….



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