Sunday Spring Equinox Thoughts
Boy, what an incredible, fast paced, dramatic set of events continue to enter our conscious awareness. It’s quite a balancing act to stay current, present, in our bodies, attached to our spirits, in touch with our soul purpose, and be responsible, playful, thoughtful and fully alive…. sometimes, don’t you want to just take a break ~ and float…. remember, that acupuncture will do just that – give you a 30 minute break, releasing endorphins, and allowing you to relax… and health insurance usually covers acupuncture treatments…

Now ~ Regarding Radiation: I’m not an expert in radiation, nor in the treatment of radiation poisoning, so I’ve been watching and reading everything I could find. I’ve been in communication with many friends and colleagues asking their opinions. I’ve poured over the literature, watched the news programs, and from what I can see, it’s very hard to accurately determine whether here in the US we have anything to fear, relative to potential radiation poisoning. This is not to say that energetically we can’t treat whatever symptoms you may be having however, using the best energy medicine I know: homeopathic medicine.
(Thanks to Diana Lang, yoga and meditation teacher in Woodland Hills, for reminding us that Violet has a very healing energy ~ needed at this time)

While the disaster is very active in Japan, and there is the reality of radiation escaping from the reactors, and ending up in the US, there seem to be too many factors involved to predict if this is a genuine concern for us.
If you are experiencing anxiety or fear, or other symptoms that you feel could be connected to the tragedy, remember that homeopathic medicine can effectively treat you. Please email to set up an appointment for either an in person or Skype consultation so we can find your homeopathic remedy.
The websites I’ve seen that monitor radiation locally show no increase here in LA. So for today, our prayers can be directed at Japan and in their recovery.
My heart goes out to the people and country of Japan. What an incredible tragedy. Unspeakable and unimaginable…. And the effect on the economy all over the world will be huge. How Japan can cope with this is beyond my rational thinking….
One positive thing we can do, is in our meditation, visualize sending healing light to Japan. This is much more productive than constantly dwelling on the destructive images we see in the media. Another positive thing is to limit our time watching the news. We can also lobby our president and legislators to stop funding to any new nuclear power plant, to phase out the ones we have, and to redirect this money to safer solar and wind options. Join the many groups lobbying for environmentally safe, green energy.
Certainly the study of astrology is another helpful tool. It’s more than a coincidence that the earthquake and tsunami occurred when the planet Uranus entered Aries. Astrology is an interesting tool, that when studied as a science, can be used as an empowering tool your life.
If you are worried about the potential radiation, and if you tend to have a low thyroid on your blood and basal temperature readings, you can purchase kelp capsules, or just use kelp in your diet. But I don’t recommend anyone take kelp without the advise of your health professional.
You can also begin to take care of your health by eating better, adding movement, dance, and recreation, reducing sweets, increasing healthy protein, and taking more anti-oxidants.
If you have not had a blood test in the last 6-9 months, I’d recommend one, including a thyroid test. Because if you have hyperthyroid, you don’t want to take kelp or any other product that might overstimulate your thyroid gland.
Many people predicted an earthquake this week in the LA area. So please take time to stock up on your first aid things like extra water, canned foods, first aid kits, flashlights, candles, matches, battery operated radio, fill up your gas tank, etc.
Hopefully Mother Earth is giving us rain instead of an earthquake as a way to discharge this pent up Spring Equinox Uranus in Aries energy.
Take time now to meditate and envision the positive and healthful things you want to see happening in your life and in the world. Say your blessings many times a day. Focus on gratitude for everything we DO have, and the every day blessings that occur. Our bodies are amazing, nature is astounding in it’s complexity and ability to heal… And we all play a part…
Some say we all play a vital role in the universe — each and every one of us…..
Spring Equinox Thoughts
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