Constitutional Homeopathic “Snip-Its” – Find Your Remedy
Brief Notes for Fun 🙂Question: What is constitutional homeopathy? Answer: Constitutional homeopathy works on the emotions as well as the physical problems.
Question: What is acute homeopathy?Answer: Acute homeopathic remedies act mostly on the physical problems only, like for colds, flu, headaches, menstrual cramps, back pain, tooth pain, neck pain.
Here is an example of some of the more common constitutional homeopathic remedies. This is only a short sample, because there are hundreds of homeopathic remedies.See if you can find yourself in any of these remedies. Homeopathy is fun, and kind of like a matching game. See if you can match yourself to any of these remedies.1. Arsenicum:
-hates to be ill, but loves doctors, delights in discussing all their symptoms in exquisite detail; and loves collecting doctor reports and records
-seems to enjoy his or her illness-microbe and germ-phobia, aversion to cold
-excessive and reactive to any extremes-sensitivity to the environment, allergic to lot’s of things; worse around midnight
2. Calcarea Carbonica:
-activity fatigues them; shy; passive personality
-lacks ability to overcome emotional shocks-sensitive to criticism/fear of succeeding; shy around others; doesn’t want to be seen; fear of rats and mice and insects
-dislikes outside pressure (emotional and physical)
-chronically late-limp handshake with cold hands
-poorly developed teeth and jaw, high narrow dental arch, chronic sniffles and runny nose caused partly by narrowness of nasal passages
-poor calcium metabolism (milk allergy)
-weak bones
– might be overweight-handicapped or “slow” children often might need this remedy
3. Ignatia:
-the “funeral remedy”
-sighs a lot
-air hunger; sighing-sorrow, shock, stress, and disappointment; take after breakup with mate or death of pet or relative to help deal with the grief more effectively
-chronic grieving, sadness, loneliness-deep depression-claustrophobic fears; great insomnia remedy-over-reactive mental state, anxiety from loss; nervous personality
4. Lachesis:
-from the poison of the Brazilian Bushmaster snake; black and blue spots-erratic moods and behaviors; menopausal remedy; hot flashes; bruising
-split psyche “Jekyll and Hyde”
-highly emotional, switches moods and “lashes out”; strong personality; leaders; thinks they are right; wears red clothes a lot; menopausal remedy
-tendency to alcoholism or other addictions; complaints are on the left side of body; left sided tumor or cyst or sciatica
5. Lycopodium:
-resilient self-esteem; but actually feels poorly of themselves if you know them well
-apprears to have moderation and reasonableness; but if you know them will be angry and mean and explosive to wife and kids
-avoids arguments except with wife or those close to them-feels detached; hard for them to genuinely connect with others-feels superior/authoritative; but underneath, feels inferior and insecure-unwilling to admit error and insecurity; always right; urinary problems; weak knees
-little confidence in physicians
-must be in charge and in control at all times
-illness offends self-esteem/ignores physical infirmities-impatient with poor health; complaints are on the right side of the body; headache; sciatica; neck or back right sided
-feels above needing medical help; should overcome sickness by willpower
-except for his main complaint, he has none when he goes to doctor
-uncooperative patient (headstrong)
-loves thunder storms
6. Natrum muriaticum:
-potentization of table salt; absorbs and retains water and other body fluids; bloating and water retention at menses with headaches or migraines
-tendency to depression
-inability to express emotion ‘mourns the past’ can’t let go of the past-mucus retention with sinus problems; sinus infections are common
-feeling of unworthiness; excessive self-absorption
-chronic guilt; often the teacher, nurse or care-giver professionally; responsible
-retains physical pain especially unrelenting headaches; genital herpes is common
-many mouth and lip symptoms (fever blisters, herpetic blood blisters, ulceration, geographic tongue, etc.)7. Nux vomica:
-likes spicy foods; constipation-irritable, impatient temperament (short fuse)
-addiction-prone personality, overindulgence
-nervous irritability and quick to take offense/erratic behavior
-moody isolation-nervous stomach associated with TMJ and neck pains or headaches
-high strung; insomnia (especially at 3:00am)
-never tires of performing; business man; type “A” personality; on the go
-unreliable about keeping appointments
-their fears are exaggerated by solitude; better with company
-overflow of feelings, hemorrhage
-ill effects from anesthesia; toxicity after surgery with digestive upset 8. Psorinum:
-skin problem, dry hair-offensive odor, especially perspiration-enlarged veins
-“never well since”‘ a particular problem; psoriasis and eczema-sensitivity to environment; troubles suceeding in business and work9. Pulsatilla:
-symptoms always change, pains wander from one part of the body to another
-sweetness, usually female remedy; sleeps with windows open and likes the out of doors; child always needs to sleep with parents and have affection
-a need to be loved by many; fears noises and thunderstorm
-strong desire to make life pleasant for her loved ones-requires support, fears loneliness
-of having no one to love or turn to for stability/protection-feeling of helplessness, inability to make up her mind, unable to say no
-reliance on others can result in her clinging to her illness; hypochondria with lengthy description of symptoms, cannot specify whether there has been an improvement or not
-tendency to self-pity but can also be the “earth mother” care taker type of person
10. Sepia:
-predominantly female remedy; but might be more wimpy men as well
-classic picture is female seeking emancipation or wanting to be alone in convent or to meditate;
-feels better jogging or dancing;
-trouble conceiving; low sex drive
-career woman; may wear lot’s of purple or dark blue or black clothes
-liver spots, skin eczemas; small breasted
-emotional bouts without apparent cause
-left-handed complaints; loves thunderstorms
-black moods/cold silence/indifferent/enjoys feeling martyred; wants to be left alone; -may ignore her kids or slam the door to leave kids alone
-tension headaches, nausea from smell of food, chronic sinus, rheumatism or arthritis in legs, allergic constitution, severe constipation
-woman seeks to emancipate herself from passive, receptive female role into life of action; strong female leader who knows how to get things done and take charge
-male wants to disengage from active world and lead a quieter more contemplative life/discontented with job/worn out emotionally, wants to be left alone
11. Silica:
-potentization of common sand-the “homeopathic surgeon”; will eliminate artificial substances from the body; so watch out taking it if you have stitches or other artificial things in your body that should stay there
– because it might force them out-hardness; yet may fluctuate and have trouble deciding also-tendency to form hard lumps/growths or skin problems like acne
– cysts; cystic acne-teeth are hypo-calcified, chip easily
-cracks at corners of mouth
-obstinate/stubborn; may have a receding chin bone structure to the face
-impervious to outside pressure or influence-difficulty adapting to change
-fear of failure
12. Staphysagria:
-righteous indignation
-low self-esteem; but very, very sweet person
-possible history of emotional and/or physical attack, or emotional abuse
-martyr; when you give this remedy, their anger may come out that was suppressed
-sexual obsessions, or high sex drive or suppressed anger; may get urinary infections after sex13. Sulphur:
-selfishness, engrossed in his own world; many skin pimples, hives, rashes
-materialistic; collects things or has piles of stuff all over their home; dislikes baths and showers
– or their skin my flare up after bathing
-eruptive personality, with caustic aggression
-uneven distribution of body temperature, likes cold air; feels sluggish and fatigue, tendency to nap; eczema or psoriasis is common even after steroid ointments
-erupts easily, argumentative
-Intellectualism, monopolizes conversation; very philosophical; has many thoughts about many things
14. Tuberculinium:
-slender build, narrow or caved in chest, anemic and frail, chest problems; ear aches; childhood ear infections and history of bronchitis and other upper respiratory problems, asthma;
-very active; likes to travel, jog and be on the move; burns the candle at both ends; (Note: These are a small sampling of the many constitutional homeopathic types. When we select the correct remedy that matches most closely to the person’s behavior, and physical problems, it can cause a great transformation in physical and emotional symptoms. The right remedy will create magnificent balance in your life and you may not need another dose of your remedy for six months after your initial dose!!!!)For more information on homeopathy, please read the chapters in my book on homeopathy, including how to take the remedy:
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