I have used homeopathic remedies many times during my patient’s birthing process. (I have also used Acupuncture during the pregnancy and birthing process quite successfully.) Homeopathy has not only worked well for infertility, and to help people get pregnant, but it also works well during pregnancy for headaches, hemorrhoids, nausea, vomiting, constipation and lower back pain. Lastly, please never let a family member or friend suffer from post-partum depression. Homeopathy works fabulously, and quickly for this problem. It makes my heart heavy whenever I hear of a woman suffering any type of problem post-pregnancy, since these natural healing modalities will work so quickly and effectively. SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Now, to the subject at hand. Which homeopathic remedies are used for the birthing process itself?

1. Aconite & Contractions are coming too fast and there is tremendous anxiety and fear. The woman may even express her fears of dying. Right after the birth, this is also the number one remedy for fear and shock. Use for the mother, baby and / partner. Use for anyone who feels shocked, like they have been through “quite an experience.”
2. Arnica & This is the most popular remedy for use during and after the birth, for both mother and child. The remedy can also be taken throughout labor to prevent bruising. Typically, the woman will feel aching, sore and bruised. Arnica can also be used for a week or more after the birth to help speed the healing and reduce trauma and swelling from the labor and birth.
3. Chamomile & This is the same Chamomile that is used in tea in order to relax. When used homeopathically, it’s also used for pain and relaxation. There may be unbearable pains, the woman might also be very angry, and screaming in pain, while making demands of those around her. This is similar to its use for the screaming child who is teething.
4. Cocculus & After the birth, this remedy is often indicated due to the tremendous fatigue of breastfeeding and the nights of broken sleep. This exhaustion is often accompanied by dizziness, trembling or a mild headache.
5. Kali Carbonicum & This remedy is used for back labor with exhaustion, pain in the lower back radiating into the legs. Contractions might be slow or stop completely. The birthing woman might be anxious, irritable, rigid, controlling, and bossy.
6. Kali Phosphoricum & This is one of the best homeopathic remedies for exhaustion and the nerves being burnt out from any debilitating experience. It can be used between contractions to stimulate the next one, and to strengthen the system. It will also help after the birth to strengthen the nerves, for fatigue, and to rejuvenate.
7. Pulsatilla & For this remedy to be effective, their very well may be no contractions, and the delivery may progress too slowly. Often this remedy is also used to start contractions if the labor has not started at the due date. The woman may need a lot of reassurance and she feels better when she has someone to talk to. She will ask to have the window open, and feels worse in a stuffy, hot room. After the birth, she may feel depressed and need to be taken care of.
8. Sepia & The woman may give up and be severely depressed. She may feel miserable and irritable, wanting to be left entirely alone. She may have also had severe headaches during the pregnancy. This is one of the major remedies used for post partum depression and hormonal imbalance when the woman won’t accept the responsibility of motherhood. She may easily loose her temper with the baby, slam doors and want to be left alone, demand a divorce, feel no sexual energy towards her husband, and abandon the baby entirely.
9. Sulphur & This remedy might be very effective if there is a history of skin problems, like rashes or hives, during the pregnancy, and the labor is progressing very slowly. She feels hot, sweaty, thirsty and irritable. She wants fresh air, like Pulsatilla, but has a stronger, more independent personality style.
10. Rescue Remedy & This homeopathic can be used at any point for anxiety and stress. It can be used externally as well as an ointment. But internally, it’s usually taken by putting a few drops in a cup of water and sipping it whenever needed.

It is hard to generalize the potency when using homeopathy for pregnancy and childbirth. A safe bet is to use 30C potency every hour or so, with a maximum of three doses. Some homeopath’s use 200C and others use low potency like 6 or 12C. It’s best to choose one remedy and stick to it. But if after a few doses it’s not working, you should try the next remedy. Once it works, stop using it. It’s always best to seek the help of your homeopath. Also, never take anything, including a homeopathic remedy, during the pregnancy, or at labor, without your medical doctor’s approval, since if complications should occur, you will want to be sure your doctor knows everything you have taken. Teamwork is always the best approach.

Pregnancy and Birthing
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